We’ve all had (or been to) that completely wild house party where someone has ended up spilling red wine all over the cream-coloured carpet... sounds like a deposit deduction waiting to happen, but fear not – you don’t need to splash out on expensive solutions to clean those pesky stains. We’ve done some research for you and compiled a list of the most common house stains and how to get rid of them.
1. Ink stains
For synthetic carpet stains, use an oil solvent. Don’t have any of that? Some trusty nail polish remover will work. For natural fibre carpets we advise detergent solution, vinegar solution, one tablespoon ammonia and 100ml of water. Permanent ink stains? Both oil solvent and detergent solution should do just the trick.
2. Coffee stains
For this one you’ll need sparkling water. Don’t have any of that? A good alternative would be plain white vinegar. This trick will also work with fruit juice stains.
3. Grease stains
The easiest way to do this is to cover the back of the stain in dishwasher detergent. Soak for a few minutes and then wash with hot water.
4. Wine stains
Wine on wine. Yes, that’s right. In order to remove red wine stains, pour white wine over it and blot. Seems incredibly backwards? But it really works. Alternatively, washing up liquid and white vinegar with some water should also get the job done.
5. Mud stains
For this one you’ll need a vacuum cleaner. First, let it dry up/harden then vacuum up as much as possible. Still stained? Grab yourself some dishwasher detergent yet again and dab away! Be gone, mud!
6. Pet stains
Under no circumstances should you use vinegar – this will make your pet think they’re safe to pee in the same spot again. Grab some newspapers and paper towels and dab the heck out of the stain, and if there happens to still be a strong smell, then we recommend a quick trip to your neraest pet store to buy some odour remover. Oh the things we do for our pets...
7. Blood stains
First and foremost, never use hot water. Why, you ask? This could actually make the stain set in. What you’ll need is cold water and dishwasher detergent. Yep by now, you'll probably be realise that detergent is one of your saviours when it comes to cleaning off stains.
8. Common stains
Three words. Dishwasher detergent, ammonia (you can find some on Amazon) and water. You're all good to go.
9. Perspiration stains
Banish those lingering perspiration stains with a mixture of lemon juice and water. Two crushed aspirin tablets in a cup of hot water will also work just as well.
10. Stains from pots and pans
We all know the feeling of buying brand new pots and pans and within a few months they begin to develop a brown cover (be it food, burn marks or rust). For this kind of stain, we advise lemon juice and salt.
11. Stained toilet bowls
Here’s a life hack. Keep some unopened cans of cola in the house – pouring them in the toilet bowl and flushing will get it sparkling clean again... who knew?!
Ps. We’ll also let you into a little secret. In case you’ve never heard of it - or don’t already have it, pencil “check out the magic eraser sponge” into your to-do list. Trust us, it’ll be a total game-changer when it comes to cleaning.
(? This bad guy)
What kind of tips and tricks do you have when it comes to removing pesky stains? If we’ve missed any off the list, let us know on Instagram and Facebook!