Tips & Advice
Five tips for small landlords navigating the Renters' Rights new era
Patricia Ogunfeibo, a landlord and former solicitor, shares her five top tips for small landlords navigating
Patricia Ogunfeibo, a landlord and former solicitor, shares her five top tips for small landlords navigating
We've made improvements to our site to make your SpareRoom search experience even better. A couple
Cleaning is the number one cause of arguments between flatmates, but it’s not only discussions
Most landlords take a deposit (usually equivalent to a month's rent) to protect them in case
With rents skyrocketing across the UK it can be hard to find somewhere affordable. But there
It’s World Sleep Day this month, so what better time to share tips on how
Moving to a new city can be overwhelming for so many reasons. There’s the stress
Everyone knows rents are rising and the cost of living crisis is making things tricky. But
Valentine’s Day is here, and we’re feeling the love here at SpareRoom! It’s
Average monthly room rents correct as of January 2022 The UK’s average room rent saw
Average monthly room rents correct as of January 2023 London has sent rents skyrocketing for a
Christmas is a time for indulgence: over consuming delicious food (pigs in blankets obvs), drinking one
There are currently over 227,000 families and individuals across Britain who are experiencing the worst
For almost 2,500 years, humans have always looked to astrology for guidance. But today’s