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Tips & Advice COVID-19

5 things to do while quarantined

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If (like many of us) you’re stuck in quarantine, you might be starting to run out ideas for things to keep you entertained. Well, we’ve got you. Here are a few suggestions to get stuck into:

1. Go for a nature walk

Take some time out from your day and make the most of your once daily outdoor exercise with a good walk. Being stuck inside all day can get a little tedious – especially if you’re spending most of it al desko – so getting outside and getting some fresh air is a great way to loosen you up. If strolling’s not your jam, try a run, jog or just a mosey around your local park. Remember - every person in the UK is limited to one form of exercise outside per day. So make yours count!

2. Reach out to friends both near and far

These are pretty tough (and weird) times. It’s easy to think you’re the only person feeling worried, which is why it’s even more important to reach out to friends and family during this period. Since physical contact and meetings with anyone outside your home is a total no-go, how about setting up video calls, dropping texts, or if you’re feeling a little adventurous, go old school and send a postcard – it’ll definitely brighten the recipient’s day.

3. Do some chores

Why not keep yourself occupied by looking around the house and seeing what needs to be tidied up – or better yet, spring cleaned? Putting things away, and dusting shelves and furniture down will make you feel brand new again. And if you’ve been putting a chore off – like a cupboard or wardrobe sort out – now’s the perfect time to do it! It’ll kill plenty of time and give you a lot of feel-good vibes once it’s all done.

4. Self care

It’s pretty easy to slip out of that self care routine once your day-to-day life has gone a bit off track, but putting 10 minutes aside to pamper yourself each day can go such a long way. Schedule in a bubble bath, do a face mask, find time to finally start that book, or spend a little longer cooking yourself a delicious dinner… whatever makes you feel a little more relaxed and calm.

5. Start those projects you’ve been putting off

Got any projects that have been sat on your list for absolutely ages – but you’ve either had 0 time, motivation or commitment to get them done? Now’s the time to step on it. Chances are you’ve got more time to spare now, so you can start that project without a hiccup or interruption. Sit down with some paper, make a plan, schedule blocks of time in and get things going – you could be about to bring your best idea yet to life.


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