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What do landlords want to see from the Government

What do landlords want to see from the Government

Ahead of the general election, we asked landlords if they knew which political party they'd be voting for and what policies they wanted to see from the Government. Here's what you told us:

Who are landlords voting for?

  • 32% of landlords are unsure which party to vote for.
  • 56% of landlords have already decided who they're voting for.

Party with the best approach to housing
When we asked Landlords which political party has the best approach to housing there was no clear winner.

  • 28% of landlords believe no party has the best approach to housing
  • 27% of landlords are unsure which party has the best approach.
  • 20% said Conservatives

What would influence landlord votes?

  • 83% said policies relating to the private rental sector would influence their vote.
  • 82% would be more inclined to vote for a party that reinstated tax reliefs for landlords.

Key issues for landlords

  • NHS: 70% of landlords consider the NHS a priority.
  • Cost of Living Crisis: 64% of landlords are concerned about the cost of living crisis.
  • Housing Crisis: 60% of landlords want the Government to address the housing crisis.

Solutions to the Housing Crisis
Landlords have identified the top five actions they want from the Government to help the current housing crisis:

  • Reinstate tax reliefs: 72% want tax reliefs for private landlords reinstated.
  • Remove stamp duty: 64% want the 3% stamp duty on second homes removed.
  • Reinstate Section 21: 62% want Section 21 reinstated.
  • Convert empty offices: 43% support converting empty offices into homes.
  • Build more homes: 39% want the Government to focus on building more homes.

So there you have it. With less than three weeks remaining until the general election, landlords are clear about the policies they wish to see from the next Government. From reinstating tax reliefs and Section 21 to addressing broader issues like the NHS and the cost of living crisis.

It's no surprise that the housing crisis is a key priority for landlords. However, with 32% of landlords still undecided on how to vote and 27% unsure which party has the best approach to housing, it seems the current parties still have some convincing to do to secure their votes in this crucial election.